8 Corrie Street
Chermside QLD 4032   (07) 3350 1625

8 Corrie Street Chermside QLD 4032
(07) 3350 1625



General Practitioners and Specialists

Looking for a fantastic employment opportunity in the Northern suburbs of Brisbane?

At Corriest Medical Clinic we are always looking to expand our team of professionals. We provide a friendly, supportive and professional environment to cater specifically to the needs of doctors and staff members. We focus on the flexibility of an enjoyable work-life balance. Corriest Medical Clinic provides the local community a premium standard of medical care and general practice that is supported by a team of dedicated and passionate staff.

If you are a general practitioner who possesses a desire to deliver quality healthcare within a modern and innovative family practice, and would like to join our vibrant, professional and dedicated medical team and embrace our personal approach to healthcare model, then please contact us at info@corriestmedicalclinic.com.au.

Our Doctors are well supported by Registered Nurses, on-site pathology collection and allied health providers who help streamline the care we provide.

Allied Health Providers

If you are a registered allied health service provider and interested in providing your services to Corriest Medical Clinic, then please contact us at info@corriestmedicalclinic.com.au.


If you are RN/ EN with recent experience of working in a general practice setting and are able to work in a team environment, then please contact us at info@corriestmedicalclinic.com.au.


If you are a motivated and driven individual looking to join our growing and dynamic team, please contact us at info@corriestmedicalclinic.com.au.